







Meeting Notes:

KC1PRF Gary - he is able to connect to CAN-TRBO via DroidStar from his office network but not from his home network. His question was whether the far end could be blocking one IP address vs another. Both KC1RAM and W1BKW suggested it is more likely to be a configuration in his router/firewall at home. Gary was going to check his config and said he had recently updated it.

W1BKW Brian- asked KB1VP Don a question regarding the international and national DMR-MARC talkgroups and how they are distributed across IPSC2 servers and cBridges. Don explained that with all of the different servers; across the world and the lack of collision avoidance or collision recovery mechanisms in DMR and IP, it is not surprising to see traffic from one source and not another, even though theoretically, it should be one traffic stream at all receive points. Theory vs reality!!

W1BKW Brian - mentioned the ongoing updates to the Office Hours web page for resources and information. Also noted that some people are reaching out to the developer of DroidStar in hopes to take over the iOS version for ongoing maintenance and development. Also Brian asked KC1PRF Gary to proof read and provide feedback on the DroidStar instructions for installation and setup since he is a routine user of the Android version.